Friday, March 27, 2009


If I were given another chance, I would choose the path which could lead me to my dream.
So that I would not feel what I feel now, every time when I put on the lab coat.

When desire appeared to be more appealing than dream, I chose to give up on my lifetime dream, a dream which seemed unattainable and impractical, and here I am, studying together with all of you. It's akin to when you get what you WANT but not what you NEED.

When I came here, I met you all. Most of you, are seriously hanker after your "architect-to-become" dream BUT always, I live in regret for giving up my own dream. How much I wished I had the enthusiasm which is burning in you, saying out loud that "I WANT TO FLY!" or "HERE I COME KANGAROO!". Not to mention my lousy English level which further quenches my little sprouts of hope which bud in my mind in a "fluctuating trend".

"Yesterday is a history; tomorrow is a mystery; and TODAY IS A GIFT. THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED "PRESENT"." quoted from the Turtle in Kung Fu Panda.

Till then.


  1. i like that quote ever since i heard it!! hehe.
    but i'm sure there's alot of ppl here who's glad u chose archi instead. thanks for posting diligently every week! I like to read it and i really think your english skills are superb, even when presenting, it's insightful. u are such a great person.

  2. thanks...but believe me, i'm nt as what you think.
