Monday, November 23, 2009


I spent a day, pondering on what can I say,
or how can I convert those feelings into words,
and arrange them in an appropriate manner,
so that they are in my favourite phrase,
and tell the world how much I loved it.

Heartfelt gratitude, I would like to extend,
to the ever energetic Ms Say,
who made Physics a little bit less complicated for me;
to the 'more-like-a-sister' Ms Effa,
who never scolded me for being slow no matter how long I took to figure things out;
to the ever-wanted Chem. lecturer Ms Jacklyn,
for making things clear for me although she looked fierce;
to the ever fatherly Mr Wong,
who broadened my horizons even though I'd still doze off during Econ classes;
and lastly to the ever sentimental Mr Derick,
for all the approaches he had taken,
and all the encouragement, throughout the course.

Here comes the toughest part.
I adore you. I cherish you. I appreciate you.
My classmates, my housemates, my neighbours,
and you you you you you and you you you you you...

Like I said, it's just as difficult as oral test. It's like you have so much to tell but there's nothing you can say.

If I were to build an ark, I bet it would be a ship.
Too bad that it couldn't be the Flying Dutchman,

and that farewell is inevitable.

But then I'd stay in this ship, and may life be great for you,

all of you.